Wouldn't CI work better with (topics, subjects, facts) we already knew well in English?
I always notice that when creators make content about things I know well in English, I naturally have more context, I can understand (learn, remember) the Spanish words so much easier.
When I listen to videos and they talk about subjects and facts (historical, cultural, religious events) things I know nothing about in EITHER language, it seems less productive. When they make a video about a subject I know about already, it seems more productive.
I noticed this with Cuentame. I really like Marthas layout but I feel like, half the time, I'm taking a social studies class. When she speaks of more knowable subjects (her dog and family) it's way better. With DS, it's geography or video games (which I know nothing of either) I swear that if the video topics were more about things I knew better, (Sports, PopCulture, TV) I'd learn more words.
It makes me wonder if just listening or watching familiar English TV shows that I knew word for word in slower Spanish) wouldn't speed up the word learning process. What are your thoughts on this? Thanks.