How Do You Track Video Game CI?
I try to track all of my input as accurately as I can, and haven't really come up with a great solution for video games. I've tracked a whopping ~20 minutes worth of cinematics as video input. But the majority of gaming I do is actually reading input. I've definitely benefitted from this input, but don't really know how to reflect it anywhere. I've been playing games like Teamfight Tactics in Spanish for a long time, but am finally getting comfortable with the idea of more text heavy games.
My husband and I recently started playing Stardew Valley together (as inspired by the DS series). For the most part, we're playing "blind" minus some knowledge I've inherited from Pablo and Shel as I watch the series. We're definitely not min-maxers, but I usually read some info from wikis and things like that (in this case I'll be using the Spanish version of the wiki).
My question for all of you is, do you track your videogame CI at all, and if so how?