Need Input on my Interaction with a Driver
Hopefully he’s not on this forum and reading this, lol. So I ordered dinner from a restaurant 10 min from my job. I would have picked it up myself but I couldn’t physically leave. It was a $50 order and I tipped $15. The door dash app said it was to be delivered in about 30 minutes (not sure how they can say that- but ok). In 15 minutes, the app said the driver reached the store. About 5 minutes later, the app had the drivers real time route showing and the driver was going the OPPOSITE direction of my job. I texted him and wrote- “hey, I see that you’re going in the opposite direction. I would like my food not cold and that’s why I tipped well”. No response. I waited to see his movements and it was still continuing in the opposite direction, then it was at a standstill. So I called and asked what was going on. He apologized and said he was given another order for little ceasers and he had to wait for that. He said he didn’t want to get penalized for turning down orders so he had to take those 2nd order. He’d only been working for 6 months and didn’t know how to not get penalized if he didn’t take extra others with mine. I said it was ok and asked if DD would be ok if you delivered mine before the little ceasars order. He said wasn’t sure and that one time he had to sit in a restaurant for 3 hours. I just said please come as soon as you can, I don’t want to wait 3 hours. He showed up 10 min later. He apologized again, tried to explain how DD works, and said he had no idea I can see his location. I felt so bad with him trying to explain and he looked so sad and tired that I just said I appreciated him and gave him an extra 20.
So my concern is this whole thing of getting several orders at once and making multiple deliveries. How do you prioritize that and make sure someone’s food isn’t cold or takes too long to be delivered. We can see the driving location on the app. I actually had this happen a month ago, where I tipped 30 on a $90 order and it took an hour to be delivered for only 10 min away because the driver was making other stops. I naively thought it was traffic but someone pointed out what was actually happening. The driver also admitted he had other stops. I try to tip well to make my food get there promptly and have my directions followed.