Can we all agree that perks was the perfect opportunity to bring DPS Doom's abilities back?
And it is disapponting that Blizzard didnt.
The way I see it is that Blizzard could have either with the perks done: 1) the simple ability revert with the perks 2) an attempt for the best of both worlds, aka combining dps doom abilities with current tankfist's abilities with the perks.
[TL;DR - Blizzard could have gave us DPS Doom's old abilities back in some form, I suggest a middle ground could be a good route if they feel the need to be more innovative and creative (which is good game design) rather than just essentially give us DPS Doom.]
The first way, a simple revert, would be to replace block with uppercut - downside you lose the ability to gain empowered punch and a defense ability, upside more mobility and offense.
(Possibly, you could even give uppercut a way to get empowered punch e.g. by hitting 2 or more enemies at once with it so you can still earn empowered punch.)
Then, new slam would just be replaced with old slam - downside, it is harder to hit and has less range vertically and horizontally, upside it is more effective for eliminations
The second way, attempting the best of both worlds, would be more difficult to implement but gives more room for balance and creative direcrion.
My suggestion but feel free to comment your own:
Make uppercut a double jump ability, a few heroes have had double jump type perks implemented e.g. Zenyatta and Sigma. downside it isnt too strong for damage and maybe a long cooldown, upside you keep block and of course have more mobility and everything.
Then for slam, you could keep the movement exactly the same, but reduce its floor hit range, give it scaling damage up to let's say 90 and make it have to hit 2 enemies for empowered punch instead of the super inconsistent 3 we have currently.
I just want funny fist man to be fun, man...
Edit: I'm done with this subreddit.