Looking for Non-magical items to use Offensively
I play in a party of all Magic users and a monk. Our DM of course has used this fact to create a group of enemies that are a particular pain in the ass for us.
They are called Inquisitors. There are only 9 of these juggernauts, but they are equipped head to toe in magical heavy armor and warhammers. Their helmets let them detect magic at all times, their armor makes all magic spells under 3rd level fail within 60ft of them, and their hammers each hold 5 charges of counterspell for anything their armor doesn’t prevent.
Yesterday we had to fight 2 of them for the first time and it nearly TPK’d us. Long story short, our wizard took a bag of sand they’d been holding on to, and was fortunately able to use it to blind one of the Inquisitors, and gave us the edge we needed to eek out a victory. Next session we are potentially fighting 3.
With the way this last battle went it seems like a good idea to arm ourselves with similar non magical items that can turn the tide for us. So far I’ve thought of more sand, ball bearings, and perhaps caltrops.
Can you think of any other non-magical items we could potentially procure to help us put these anti-magic juggernauts in their place?
Edit Added the fact that there are only 9 Inquisitors