Germanium fuzz face noise issue

I’m building a pnp germanium fuzz face with a tc1044 charge pump on strip board. When activated, the fuzz comes through as it should, but there is a very loud competing squealing/oscilltion sound. The fuzz drowns it out when you hit a note, but as the note decays, the squeal drowns it out.

Does anybody have an idea of what might be causing it?

The circuit worked flawlessly on the bread board, and still does when I plug the transistors back into it. I tested all the inboard wiring by linking it to the breadboard prototype before I started on the board. I’ve fixed any obviously bad joints or sloppy solder points I could find.

All I can think of to try next is starting from scratch with a new board. Would love to not have to do that lol. Thanks 🙏