Blizzard's Burning Questions - Buffs, Barriers, and More

Main points:

  • They are looking to add more VFX when unique effects are triggered, like the one with Banisher Lord's Talisman, and also updates to the buff bar so the player can identify important buffs more easily
  • Current Armory is the first draft, but they plan to improve it, like making it properly handle gems and transmogs
  • Mini-map icons (for vendors, etc) in some towns are cluttered, and they intend to improve it visually
  • They recognize classes are unbalanced, because the game is big and new things are added every season, but they want to improve it
  • Blood Wave gets too strong after just one item (Kessime's Legacy), and they want the player to progress through more steps while building up the character (are they hinting set items?)
  • Obol vendor is undertuned, it will be buffed (when?)
  • No Loot Filter in sight, they want every item you loot to be useful, to equip, salvage, etc
  • They are thinking about incorporating the Profane Mindcage idea into other activities (it was an elixir that made helltides way harder while active)
  • People liked Rootholds, so they may bring it back in the future (and also other elements from season 7)