
I am 19 years old.

I don't have friends, girlfriends, vacation plans with friends

I suck at university

I don't have a pastime apart from my cell phone

I don't have a driver's license

I have trouble talking to others.

I can't talk to girls my age.

I have no ambition.

I feel like I'm terribly behind compared to others my age

I'm always in a bad mood.

I often procrastinate and I never want to leave my house.

Everything seems very difficult to do.

I feel bad about myself.

I spend way too much time on my phone.

I'm addicted to porn

I am very easy to irritate his last days

I have the impression that nothing is interesting in life anymore, everything seems bland and boring. Passion no longer exists for me.

I have an impassable wall in front of me.

I sleep way too long and wake up late, I don't find the point of getting up.

I don't know what my problem is.

Sometimes I think of the irreparable.