What are my chances of developing schizophrenia? Or is it uncommon?
I’m an 18 (F) with no family history of schizophrenia or major trauma so I have that going for me. Unfortunately I was diagnosed with persecutory delusional disorder a few months ago and it persists to today. I’m currently being treated with an antipsychotic but haven’t felt too much of a difference.
I feel like my condition is surrounded by this overarching “hatred of reality.” I reject reality, I refuse it, I cannot cope with it and I cannot live with it.
Nothing bad has even happened, nothing like a trauma or anything. I just for whatever reason can’t cope with reality and I can’t discern what is reality sometimes when I’m thinking too much about it.
My psych NP seems to be hinting she thinks I’m on the track to developing schizophrenia based on the way she talks so casually about it. I don’t have any hallucinations so I can’t be diagnosed but I am developing internal voice monologues that aren’t my own really. I can see how that might potentially progress but idk I kind of doubt it, I’ve never had hallucinations.
To make matters worse I’m in the most stressful point of my life - in the midst of nursing program classes and I’m panicking about reality big time. I’m doing ok in classes (not failing or anything) but damn I’m scared I’m gonna lose my shit and get hospitalized again.
I think about suicide like every single day but don’t plan to do it now, just in 3 years. So I can’t be taken as a serious suicide threat but I still need help because nobody should feel this way and plan their own death.
Any responses are appreciated!