Sick people who don't mask up....why? Why cough and hack on everyone else around you?

This old boomer fuck kept coughing and hacking on me on a two-hour flight back in late December. I stupidly didn't bring a mask. And of course, the old boomer fuck didn't either (even though he was the one that was sick). I am still fucking sick 3 months later. Had bronchitis. Only had a two week reprieve and now I'm sick again.

Next flight I am taking (going to avoid flying for awhile), I am double masking and going to be a fucking Karen to any old boomer fuck who decides to get other people sick. Sick and tired of selfish boomer fucks only thinking about themselves.

It's pretty easy to wear a mask if you're sick. Why be a selfish asshole?
This really makes me hate boomers even more than I already do.