Only coffee affects me

After experimenting with quitting caffeine and coffee for a while, I think I realized that it's just coffee that messes me up, not other forms of caffiene. Coffee gives me like blood pressure issues, a weak feeling, cravings, anxiety thru the roof, massive headaches, stomach issues, and just the feeling of being completely strung out and manic. Even decaf coffee gives me major headaches.

If I drink soda, tea, energy drinks, you name it, I feel fine. I haven't had coffee in over a month and I feel good. I have had caffeine just not coffee. The one thing that helps me with cravings is if I want a coffee and I'm near a place that sells it, I just start thinking about the worst headache I ever had that was the result of drinking coffee. I just wait and drink a tea or something.

I discovered this because as per usual I was quitting coffee and during a craving I got a smoothie with an energy boost (caffiene). And I had no bad side effects. So I kept going strictly no coffee, then I thought well I can try a decaf, then bam headaches from hell. Then a week later I tried 1/3 of an energy drink, just for the hell of it, which has more caffiene than decaf, and still no side effects. Just like feeling pretty good.

So I think there is something in actual coffee that is not good...either that or I'm allergic to it. Just thought I would share my revelation. Good luck out there!