Male Majins being fat makes zero sense. Male Majins are joke characters.

Before I get the fire and pitch forks hear me out. Male Majins get 2 weakness. Slower stamina Regen and double damage when below what is it now 33% stamina?

Slower stamina recovery and low stamina is death on male Majins. Male Majins if I remember correctly has lowest damage multipliers. Or second lowest. Highest HP does nothing when low stamina equals double damage. Male Majins are the slowest in the game.

Male Majins look awful in most outfits. Put one in tight outfits and you're screaming my eyes. Baggy clothing for them is a must.

Male Majins are the only fat characters in game. You can't be a fat Earthling,Namek, Saiyan, Female Majin or Frieza Race.