Daze and Confused: Was the paddling hazing on fresh real thing from the 70’s, or was it false and just added in the film?
I love this movie and seen it over a hundred times. When I was in High School my teacher Mrs. Wright would let us watch anyone in movie in her class that she carried and we found Daze and Confuse as a good send off for the last day of school. I watch it every beginning of summer vacation. Though my high school experience wasn’t like the film it self. But my question on this post always gets me when I watch the movie. Was the hazing paddling a real thing back in the day in Texas and in other school, or was it made up in the film.
I’m Canadian so I’ve never heard anything in school involving hazing as far as I know. I once ask my older sister years ago is paddling a freshmen a real thing. She told it wasn’t but has told me her friend Matt did went through a haze thing as a freshmen but not the paddles.
So for those who experience this in real life either in or out of the country. Was paddling the freshmen real, when did it stop or was it made up?