Do Women avoid eye contact with Men they are uninterested in?
About a week ago I approached this woman at my gym to ask her about a workout she was doing. She taught me the form, we had a lil fun conversation, exchanged names and she said "nice to meet you, see you around" as we shook hands and I was about to leave home.
Now whenever I look her way I can tell she notices me out the corner of her eye because she immediately looks down or the other way, avoiding eye contact so I try to not bother her. I'm a shy guy and she seems so as well.
I've been coming out my shell these last couple of years and feel more comfortable talking to strangers. But when someone avoids eye contact it comes across as uninviting to me and makes me not want to go up to them thinking they dislike me, which is funny because I used to avoid eye contact with women who would stare me down because I was scared and had low self-steem even when I was interested. I just dont know if women are the same or she genuinely doesnt care about me.
Im thinking of never approaching her again because I dont want to look like a creep.