TIL that you can kill Manus without ever stepping foot in his Arena.
After dying to him many times I was headed back to fight him yet again but a light caught my eye underneath the platform just before his door. I saw it was a player hint but wasn’t sure how I could see it but then saw the many red orbs of Manus below when I realized it was his arena. I couldn’t lock on to him and couldn’t aim at him with a bow but then I tried to aim at him freestyle with the camera. It took me a few tries but I eventually hit him! I didn’t damage him but then I equipped the Hawk ring and I was then doing damage. I snipped at him until half of his health was gone but my bow broke and I got invaded. I entered the arena and the damage carried over and it was a cinch to beat him. I’m sure if I could’ve repaired my bow and not had been invaded, I could’ve killed him without ever fighting him.