Stack Causing Joint Pain, Not Seeing Great Results in General, Thinking of Quitting
I have been experiencing a lot of noticeable pain/discomfort in my toes, fingers, and knees. I think I read somewhere here that there was a supplement that can cause those issue, but can’t remember which one. Can y’all take a peak st the list below and let me know?
Also, I don’t seem to be getting the overall desired results, or at least the results I do get seem really inconsistent. I drink 2-3L of water a day, don’t exercise like I should but I am active, and take the supplements listed below. All of the supplements are taken consistently from day-to-day, and around the same time each day (before work and when I get home from work). I experienced a little honeymoon period, followed by weeks of disappointment, then I seemed to really hit my stride. Orgasms we’re more intense, erections seemed a little harder, precum was way bigger, and my loads seemed bigger. Now it seems like maybe I’m going backwards. I had a super weak load last night, though I haven’t exactly been abstaining, and I’m wondering if I need to to take a break or modify the lineup. Been taking my current stack for about 2 full months.
My stack:
Morning (14 pills total) -Centrum Multivitamin: 1 -Brazil Nuts: 2-3 -Zinc: w/ Copper 1 (25mg/1mg total) -Pygeum: 2 (100mg total) -Lecithin: 2 (2400 total) -L-Citrulline: 2 (1500mg total) -Ashwagandha: 1 (1500mg total) -Maca: 1 (500mg total) -Vitamin B12: 1 (1000mcg total) -Vitamin D3: 1 (50mcg total) -Ginko Biloba: 1 (120mg total) -Fenugreek: 1 (610mg total) -L-Lysine: 1
Afternoon/Evening (7 pills total): -Pygeum: 2 (100mg total) -Lecithin: 2 (2400mg total) -L-Citrulline: 2 (1500mg total) -Maca: 1 (500mg total)