Have you underperformed at one company then excelled at a different company due to a better work environment?
So I got fired from a development job two summers ago after underperforming. The company was pretty small, and didn’t have the money to hire the amount of developers it desperately needed. I was very much a junior level developer but looking back it seems the amount of work I did was outside what a junior should be doing. I felt horrible and almost incapable of doing development as a career after that.
Then I got hired at my current company which is much larger and financially stable, and has more structure and processes for guiding the development process. All around this place is so much better to work at and I’ve been killing it. I got hired as an associate engineer last year, and now they’re pushing for my promotion to regular software engineer. All my feedback has been incredibly positive and motivating, and I’m just so shocked at the difference my experience has been compared to my previous company. I’m now feeling competent and capable of being a developer again.
It got me very curious about how common this type of situation is, so I’d love to hear your experiences.
TLDR: last company was bad and made me feel bad, current company is good and makes me feel competent