Stuff that "grinds my gears" in this game
This is one of my fav Paradox games, I have easily 2k hours in this. This being said stuff that super annoys me:
- I can transfer counties without any issues but I cant do so with Dukedoms (even if the de jure kingdom of the dukedom doesn't exist). This can be fixed via the title manager mod, but I would still love to know what's the point.
- Most of the wars can be won too easily by simply assaulting. Even wars you have no business of winning you can simply prepare a bunch of mercs and you will be at 99% warscore within a month or two before any resistance can be mobilized. This can obviously be also used against you, you have a large Muslim realm and suffer a decadence or shia revolt? Well those guys will occupy everything before you can deploy your armies between Spain and India. Best thing is, that their armies don't suffer any attrition so they can over-stack all they want.
- The AI will create all the titles they can, even if its to their own detriment. AI gets elected as HRE, first decision? Create Empire of Germania which will guarantee a split of an otherwise unified realm + bordergore. This would also be super easy to prevent, just prevent the AI from creating multiple top level titles.
- I just hate how the HRE is implemented in this game, princely elective is the most stupid form of government ever. Way too complicated for its own good. Want to vote for your grandson, while your son is dead? Well you cant since you you-self are alive! Imperial elective in comparison is bearable / understandable.
- A lot of immersive mechanics can become just spammy annoyances, like the diseases and child rearing events.
- Converting to other religions is way too easy.
- I wished your traits had more effects on your gameplay (e.g. if you are kind then no executions, if you are charitable and someone asks for something you need to grant it, if you are zealous no religious conversions etc...)
- Defensive pacts - bro why did the pope join my crusade against the Muslims in north Africa ON THE SIDE OF THE MUSLIMS, while I never touched a Christian. Can be fixed via the no-interreligious defensive pacts.
- Blobbing is normally extremely easy but for whatever reason Orthodoxy (ERE) and Catholicism (HRE) cant touch each-other.
- Disappearing commanders. Its already hard as is to get enough commanders, but its super annoying that if a commander is a ruler they will excuse themselves to command their own levy (which might happen one day before a major battle). Normally solved with a mod that gives you 15 commanders as an empire.
- Pope got un-landed and you maybe have destroyed whole Christendom, but he still somehow DOWs you for Rome.