Crochet Multitaskers - What do you like to do while crocheting?

Hey there, friends! 👋🏼

I feel productive while crafting, so I love to multi-task with something less than productive. Lately I've been binging "Survivor" while crocheting. I would feel guilty just watching TV all day, but add crocheting and that guilt goes away!! hahaha 😂

Since it's kinda of "mindless" TV, I find it easy to focus on, because it's not something you need to be looking at the screen constantly for. I don't know if I could watch something complex, because I struggle keeping count of stitches and the like.

I'm curious... Does anyone else do stuff they would feel guilty doing on their own, but is the perfect multi-tasking activity? Those of you that do... what do you like to do? 😁

Is there a particular show (or type of show) you like to watch?
Do you like to listen to an audiobook? Podcasts? What Genre?
Do you like to have conversations with friends? Or do you like to just be in the room and listen?