Kit Green/Jacob Robert’s Appreciation Post.

So I created a post regarding DS Swain and so a few people were like “OP really fancies her” which is so funny and ironic to me considering I’m gay. However if y’all wanna say I fancy this man? Girl, go right ahead because I am guilty. As. Charged. I mean what can I say, I know he’s not everyone’s cup of tea, and his attitude is very full of himself but wow. What a beautiful human being.

That’s it. That’s the post.

With love to everyone (and Jacob Roberts)


So I created a post regarding DS Swain and so a few people were like “OP really fancies her” which is so funny and ironic to me considering I’m gay. However if y’all wanna say I fancy this man? Girl, go right ahead because I am guilty. As. Charged. I mean what can I say, I know he’s not everyone’s cup of tea, and his attitude is very full of himself but wow. What a beautiful human being.

That’s it. That’s the post.

With love to everyone (and Jacob Roberts)
