I've grown a deep love for Fortnite (rough transcript)

I've grown a deep love for Fortnite. I love Fortnite. If Fortnite was a girl, I'd crack the shit out of Fortnite. I'd fuck the shit out of Fortnite. Even if Fortnite was a dude, that's just how much love I got for Fortnite. Like, I don't even eat food anymore. I just, I just, when I'm hungry, I just go play Fortnite. When I'm sick and I'm hurt, if I injure myself, I just go play Fortnite and it cures me. Fortnite is the greatest shit ever. There's nothing like Fortnite, nigga. Fortnite cures my pain. When I'm going through depression, I play Fortnite and I feel happy again. This is the greatest game ever created. I love Fortnite. If Fortnite had toes, I'd suck the shit out of Fortnite toes, bro.You think I'm playing bro fortnite was a real human being bro i kissed the shit out of fortnite bro that's just how much i love fortnite bro what the fuck this is the great now they got legos and shit bro i was just playing bro if you want to play fortnite with me bro join my discord bro and we can play fortnite bro cuz i just love fortnite bro everything about fortnite just made me happy bro everything about fortnite i don't don't ban this game bro god don't ban this game no do not ban this game bro this is the greatest game ever bro this is like this is like the chicken big mac bro this is like greatness this is fucking greatness this game is greatness bro this is like lebron's career fortnite is lebron's career of the game industry bro real shit bro do not fucking ban this game i love this game i'm gonna play this game right now. So if you wanna if you wanna fucking play me join my discord and then you can fucking play me cuz then we're gonna Play fucking fortnite. What the fuck?