The Democrat attempt to prevent Margery Taylor Green and others from running against them is a direct attack on our democracy

There's no greater threat and attack on our democracy then openly attempting to prevent your political opponents from running against you.. But that's exactly what they're phony lawsuit alleging that the 14th Amendment would be used to prevent multiple GOP members from running for re-election. Democrats are using Joe Biden's debunked lie that the January 6th mostly peaceful protests with some kind of insurrection in an attempt to make the claim that the 14th Amendment would make GOP congresspeople ineligible to gop Congress people ineligible to run

Well I'm likely to work it's a very damning condemnation of the Democrats strategy.. Openly declaring that they no longer support the idea of a free and fair democracy.. They hadn't supported it for a long time at least they gave pretense and pretended to

But with the latest strategy it's clear that the Democrats no longer or even attempting to pretend to support democracy. In a true democracy people like Marjorie Taylor Greene and the dozens of other GOP members would be voted on by the people. And they would get to decide period. With the Democrats attack they are essentially attempting to make it illegal for their political opponents to even run against in elections..