If Aliens Are So Advanced, Why do UFOs Crash & Why Mutilate Cattle?

This is a question I see frequently and there are some possible answers.

A long time ago probes were sent to earth and so there is some material technology here. Aliens themselves don't physically come here. Thought is instantaneous so they project here using something that is similar to a cross between Neurolink and Oculus Rift. Once here they can pilot some of the tech that landed here in the probes.

This tech includes machines that are partly biologic in nature, and which represent a sort of humanoid drone. This is what the "greys" are.

Once they are piloting the grey drone, they can build other technologies out of materials here on earth. This is the reason why crashes such as the one at Trinity in NM seemed to have what looked like earth made parts. If you've seen the end of the movie Super 8, the alien in that movie builds a ship out of earth junk.

Now it has been proven by many patents and research projects that high frequency RF such as RADAR can disrupt thought. Aliens wouldn't have anticipated us using RADAR since its the equivalent of taking the lid off your microwave and blasting it into the air. Its kind of a silly way to do things, but its what we stumbled on and use.

So when they are piloting alien air craft, made out of earth materials, with their minds, and they fly through RADAR, the thought control is disrupted and they crash. It may be the case (based on some credible accounts) that the consciousness gets trapped in the drone body, or it may just be that the drone body is valuable because its here physically on earth. This might account for some of the stories of "biologics" and the use of that phrase instead of just saying alien.

Now, what is the cause of cattle mutilations? I've studied this subject in depth and my uncle in-law is one of the law enforcement who has dealt with this issue.

I believe that the mutilations are us, testing livestock for traces of contamination, especially radiological.

The stories of the mutilations originated in southern colorado and northern new mexico around the Dulce area. This is where Airforce intelligence officer RIchard Doty (Kirtland AFB) perpetrated a hoax on Paul Bennewitz. He had the military fly modified helicopters around Dulce to trick Bennewitz into thinking they were UFOs and lead him away from a classified project he had stumbled on at Kirtland.

The Atomic Energy Commission carried out Project Gasbuggy in this same area, performing underground nuclear detonations in an attempt to use nukes for fracking and other underground purposes.

What is all over these areas are cow farms. This would have had the potential to contaminate ground water, plants, etc. If you look at how Chernobyl was handled by the Europeans, they conducted continuous testing of the mucus membranes of farm animals for decades after the disaster. This is where radioactive isotopes tend to collect if there is contamination in the area (as well as in milk).

I've been able to tie most areas that have cattle mutilations to nearby military or government activity that could have caused contamination of this type.

So, the military uses their special helicopters, similar to what they did for Doty, and covertly tests livestock in the areas to collect contamination data.