Is it worth basically paying $6k to graduate 3 months early?

I’m a graduate accounting student and I have an opportunity to take a 10-day course worth 3 credits overseas this Summer. As I have my semesters planned, in order to meet my program’s requirements, I need so many non-accounting elective credits. All of my classes will be complete by Spring 2026 except one 2-credit class and one 1-credit class, which would need to be taken during Summer 2026, pushing my graduation to that August.

If I took the overseas course, it could account for those 3 credits and I could graduate in May 2026 instead of waiting until August. However I would basically need to take a $6k loan to do this, so I’d basically be paying $6k to graduate 3 months early. Otherwise, the 3 credits I would have during Summer would be paid for by financial aid.

I’m aiming to get an internship Fall 2025 or Spring 2026. I’m not sure how long a firm would wait for you to finally graduate after you complete your internship assuming you got a job offer from them. If I interned in Fall, having to wait til the end of the following Summer is quite a while, whereas I could start 3 months sooner if I could graduate in Spring. If I interned in Spring, I could start working right after graduation.

This really is an opportunity cost comparison. $6k debt isn’t the end of the world, but how much of a difference would those extra 3 months make? Would it shift my career forward by 3 months? If I didn’t get a job offer from the firm I interned with, and didn’t manage to land a job in some or most of that time, then I would have lost the advantage of graduating early I think.