Honey Trees Mod

Hello all! I wrote a very tiny addon mod for Cobblemon. While it is very small, it is my first time making a mod of any kind so I'm rather excited about it! Basically, I wanted to add a way for burmy to spawn in the server I host, but outside of the honey trees from Diamond/Pearl/Platinum I couldn't really think of a method that felt right to me. Being the way that I am, I decided the next best thing would be to just make the apricorn trees into honey trees! Spawns are all done via data pack, and I also have a mini spawn data pack on curseforge that people can check out if they don't want to write their own, or would just like to see a proper way to make spawns. I'm open to suggestions as well, but I'm very new to this stuff, so I can't promise big things. Let me know what you think!

Hello all! I wrote a very tiny addon mod for Cobblemon. While it is very small, it is my first time making a mod of any kind so I'm rather excited about it! Basically, I wanted to add a way for burmy to spawn in the server I host, but outside of the honey trees from Diamond/Pearl/Platinum I couldn't really think of a method that felt right to me. Being the way that I am, I decided the next best thing would be to just make the apricorn trees into honey trees! Spawns are all done via data pack, and I also have a mini spawn data pack on curseforge that people can check out if they don't want to write their own, or would just like to see a proper way to make spawns. I'm open to suggestions as well, but I'm very new to this stuff, so I can't promise big things. Let me know what you think!