Blizzard Can We Finally Address Shamans in PvP

It has been 4 phases now where shamans are the undisputed kings of PvP and it boogles my mind that blizzard just refuses to address how broken shamans are in PvP, especially elemental shamans.

They have root/slow immunity, decoy totem, a slow, insane burst damage, tankiness, rng proccs that one shot you even more, instant cast heal on a short cd, stun and movement speed with ghost wolves and much more bullshit.

I cant count how many times I saw shamans just casually 1v2 or 1v3 people out in the open world and if you are any class trying to go against shamans you just dont stand a chance in most cases.

Dont get me wrong original vanilla was a broken unbalanced mess in pvp aswell, but atleast you had a fighting chance as an underdog class going up against an "op" class because you had the ability to outplay/outgear your opponent if the skill gap was large enough.

In SoD it doesnt matter how good you are. You can be a multi glad/R14 Warrior or Mage for example and you will get beaten into the ground by a shaman 9 out of 10 times, simpy because their toolkit is vastly superior to yours.