KH bad experience; My Post-Employment Review

I was hired on as a P3 Analyst at Kimley Horn. I quit 4 months later after extreme mental health decline. I can see everyone having different experiences with different teams but this was my experience.

The pros: Decently competitive salary and benefits, approachable teammates and younger staff, monthly events outside of work.

My experience:

Extreme micromanaging and time surveillance and expectations to produce OCD perfectionist work within unreasonable and unfeasible time frames, expectations of working 10 to 11 hour days, weekends, and upwards of 50 hours a week at a desk all day everyday, and constantly told that this is just how the consulting world is. Zero work life balance. I was belittled and was treated like I didn't know how the consulting world works. My team's supervisors (and my supervisor) were unapproachable and utilized gaslighting and tactics of constantly comparing you to peers if you are not producing perfect work the first time yet are unwilling to provide routes of training to higher level employees. The majority of office staff are new college grads that can be hired on at a cheaper billing rate and can be trained to become a robotic workhorse. I truly believe Analysts are there for the production of the busy nitty gritty work and expected to never complain. I witnessed my coworkers have to start over their work multiple times because it was not produced to the supervisors' likings. I was singled out for mistakes and punished and scrutinized for producing imperfect work from the get go, even though I had only been there a short time, which made improving on my work very difficult as the pressure became higher and higher. I took PTO that I had already accrued yet I was gaslit for using it and told I "dug myself into a hole" and wouldn't make my end of year UT goal and was also told "we do not miss our UT goal" numerous times. I was asked how I could be helped yet when I would give suggestions or methods of how I could be helped, I would be told there's no money in budgets to help me or train me or time to do so. Supervisors will chit chat about you behind your back and then make you aware of their concerns later on. If you appreciate a more laid back, flexible, and slower paced environment where you can be appreciated for your work and are not expected to be an OCD ridden robot, DO NOT WORK HERE.