Eradicating the use of "First Sergeant"
A few things here:
I am completely against the position itself. I understand why the military needs them, but the cadet program does not. It breeds complacency for C/SNCOs, specifically chiefs, who think it is a parking spot for their career as a cadet. I've seen cadets stay put at Chief for almost 3 years.
The term "First Sergeant" is not a term of address, I think most people on this sub know that from what I've seen, just stating it here for the eventually comment that will try to say it is. ref CAPP 151
I attend almost every activity in my wing. ES, Encampment, weekend overnight excursions, conferences, you name it. I enjoy being active, but thats not the point. I've been trying not to be the "akhsually" guy for a bit now, but I'm starting to lose patience. It seems to be universal knowledge in my wing that "First Sergeant" is a term of address. It dose not help that our Wing Command NCO was using it as well.
How can I go about trying to educate others? Wing CAC?
Just looking for some recommendations.