Current Civ 7 Espionage mechanic be like "Everyone is stealing from you! Choose only one to counterspy!"

So I recently learned you can only have one of a specific diplomatic action going at any time, including counterspy. Thought I was missing some [Gain more Espionage Actions] civic for the longest time. For a lot of the diplo stuff this makes sense to me (even if I don't like it) since it forces you to choose who you want to spend your effort on even if you might have a ton of influence generation. I think an exception should be made for spy/counterspy ops though. Especially since if you have high science/culture everyone is constantly spying on you.

Having multiple espionage options still works as a narrative choice too:

  • If you spend all your influence constantly counterspying everyone, you'll be low for other diplo actions and could fall into wars, but you won't get robbed every few turns in the lategame.

  • If you're doing a build thats low on culture/science, having multiple theft options works in your favor. Playing a warmonger, but your units are outdated cause your science output sucks? Just steal from your neighbors! (Side note, I got this idea from my last game when my weak neighbor with shit science stole flight from me, then proceeded to successfully fend me off for half the modern era with only 2 attack aircraft because my aerodrome with fighters was on the far side of my city and out of range)

Bottom line is, if they're all allowed to target me at the same time, I should be allowed to defend myself from all of them, provided I have enough influence.