Lemifshe Custom FJ on Ali
I haven't seen this on Ali before, looks great, I believe modeled after a Laconico custom? This isn't my link, it's the link that was on a youtube post showing the knife. Likely that persons affiliate link. The Youtube channel is called Tops Knives. Similar to Red Hot Knives. Link is silly long, wasn't sure how to deal with that so here it is. there is a single space between you tube
https://www.you tube.com/redirect?event=backstage_event&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa0Jxa09LenBpVGhMXy04b0lNVGxoOFdTRVdJQXxBQ3Jtc0trb3FfV2l1dHpZYmhhVGpRNlNaaEl4YVp4Zms1VlBiYjF5M2U4S3IzdlFXNHRQa3lKSEswdGtwZ3JHeFBNRkhUYS1Sb0UwYlU3UG1YMlJpN0EyTENydHl0ZXZ6b2s4NWtIUTlDZnViM2NsSlE0ZUFpVQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Falii.pub%2F74lymw