Are things getting to be too Child friendly now??

So the new Jurassic Park movie came out with its first ever trailer! I was told that they took some inspirations from the Book. The book is very horror like with gore. So thinking a Jurassic movie rated R will be so fun!! I watched all the movies and I really enjoyed them.

Turns out it’s now going to be PG-13, because they want to keep it family friendly.

The actual fuck. Not everything needs to be family friendly or kid friendly. Yes I understand that kids love dinosaurs. But why can’t we have this one thing?? Jurassic Park/ World as a horror like film with a rated R score would be so cool. I know others were also expecting it to be Rated R too but I guess not.

I will still watch it but I’m starting to think they are going to try to make everything family friendly since it brings them more money.