Help Akahoshi Ramen pick its next special!
Hi r/chicagofood folks,
I thought it might be cool to have reddit help us with the special for January. Each month at Akahoshi Ramen, we make a limited special bowl for the month, to showcase both existing styles and cutting edge ideas alike. Normally this is something I come up with, but I thought it might be cool if Reddit helped me out.
Here are the rules:
- Comment a ramen you’d want us to make for the special. It can be any style, idea, or genre. Limited to one submission per user.
- Upvote the submissions you like.
- The bowl with the most upvotes will be selected as the winner, and our team will put it on as a special for January
Constraints and Considerations:
- It has to be ramen (no udon, soba, etc). We will make the noodles for the dish.
- I have to be able to make the dish cost less than $25 per person. I’d prefer to make the dish approachable in January, as opposed to going heavy on luxury ingredients like we did this month.
- We have to be able to make it in the restaurant (we don’t have a deep fryer, an ice cream maker, and the wok is occupied)
I reserve the right to pick a runner-up option, especially if the most upvoted comment does not fall within the constraints above. But I'd love to celebrate the Reddit community that helped me get here, and this felt like a fitting way to do so.