if you have read the title, you know what type of post this is about exactly, its about those kids everywhere on the subreddit making the same rule over and over and over and over again for the one sake of nerfing slogo for being a competent player.

there are too many of them at this point, ones saying 'no capturing or trading with villagers' others saying "no killing iron golem because bad for vilage" its genuinely starting to get annoying, first off why make a post that of which 10 copies of have been made already?

second off, you know exactly what type of fan is making them and for what reason, its the salty children who 99% were complaining in the previous series about slogo being rich because he is good at the game

whenever you make a rule, think about value it adds? THESE RULES ADD NONE, villagers and iron golems are resources, iron golems can respawn and villagers can breed more and more, even in slogo's video it was seen villagers just reproducing in public in the middle of the town next to the well, multiple times

iron farms are convinient, they help skip what otherwise would have been a boring mining trip for iron and save the time it takes smelting

trading is practically the only possible way to get a renewable source of diamond tools and armor and by extension netherite gear, and no, diamonds and diamond gear from chests isnt renewable, once its claimed its gone

trading halls aka kidnapping is convinient, as it helps find certain villagers and have all villagers be in one easy to find spot, letting them roam free means every time you want a trade you need to comb through the village villager by villager until you find the right one and is overall, just inconvinient

these rules just make the game slower and more frustrating, and lets be honest, if we are taking the previous seasons as an example which is what every child here does, the boys will probably make their own factories anyways.

TLDR; Stop posting garbage rules that are made with the sole intention of sabotaging a single player's plans, all rules should be equal towards every player and not biased, imagine a rule saying "crainer cant move" or something equally as astonishingly stupid, its clearly made with the intention of sabotaging a certain player and with no equality in mind and add no value and make the game unfun.