CMV: Europe is much more racist than USA
I want to preface this by stating that i've never went to the USA to test it by myself. But still hang on there to understand my point of view.
Online i always hear europeans dragging americans because of their racism. It's always this slight superior feeling that makes them claim oh well in europe we call mixed race people for what they are (untrue). At least in europe black people don't get killed (also untrue). Or in europe there's classism not racism, we discriminate based on nationality or financial situation (totally false). The only reason it seems like europe is more accepting versus pocs than USA is because of media. In Usa there's a much larger black community and they rightly so raise their voices everytime something bad happens (like the George Floyd case and the consequent BLM movement). Instead in europe black people are not that united, there's no community and so europeans can say and do whatever with less repercussions.
As a mixed race woman who has suffered everyday of racism since i was born here in europe, it boils my blood everytime i hear europeans trying to pass themselves as this worderful open minded, progressive place. Yes, in Usa there's more violence against black people compared to europe, but Usa is just a much more violent place than Europe in general. But when was the last time you've heard people going to a basketball game with racist signs, throwing bananas on the court and making monkey noises? Idk, i never did. In europe it happens constantly during football matches though. These are rich successful athletes being mocked all the time and then europeans have the nerve to say online there's just classism here, huh? And in Usa i suspect it is much less likely for americans to just constantly stare black people on the street. Here in europe, especially in small cities you can't even walk on the street without people staring, pointing at you and approaching you to ask unsolicited ignorant questions. In america, black people are kinda accepted as americans. You don't hear americans say all the time that "Beyonce should go back to her country". In europe, black people are always othered. It doesn't matter if you were born here, if you speak the native language perfectly, if you're culturally european, if one of your parent is native to the place they just see colour. You're a perpetual foreigner and treated as such. Even if you just take a stroll in many european cities, you'll find countless of racist graffitis everywhere. Plus, like i've said before black people here don't have any support like in the USA. No club, no political party or whatsover. We don't have any means to fight back and just have to stay silent or be accused of being too "sensitive" or to just "go back to our countries". So whenever we try to complain, we are always dismissed. And it ain't easy. So living in europe as a black person or a poc in general is much worse than in the USA.
Edit.: I'm getting a lot of messages about how Europe is not a country and i shouldn't talk like it is a monolith. But what these people fail to understand is that racism is widespread all across this continent. There are countries who are doing better than some other ones, yes, but at the end of the day we can fairly state that europeans do share common views and act pretty similarly when it comes to Pocs living in their countries. It would be hard to find an european country where a black or asian person would be seen as nothing else than a foreigner. And racism acts in football stadiums is a trend spread over several european countries. It happened in italy, spain, france, england, germany, serbia and so on. So why single out just one country, when almost the entire continent is at fault of doing more or less the same stuff?