What happens if you're severely disabled and lack a caretaker?

For CFS patients who are severely disabled and lack family to do caretaking or oversee the hiring of caretakers, what happens to them? Do they end up homeless, or are they institutionalized? I'm curious because I can find very little info on this. Another way of asking my question is, If you're bedridden, how are you supposed to function independently, and if you can't, what typically happens?

How do people who are largely bedridden etc. manage to live independently and stay on top of things.? Even assuming an extremely bare survival lifestyle and guaranteed income, you still have to feed yourself, get health insurance, pay taxes, get your haircut, go shopping, plus deal with the inevitable emergencies and inconveniences ( car accident, broken appliances, expired drivers liscences). Even if a disabled person has access to caretakers, simply managing them (hiring, paying, scheduling, firing) requires a certain amount of energy.

Right now my mother is helping me with a lot of these things, and I cannot wrap my head around how severely ill people are able to keep up with all of these things. Is there something I'm missing? How can a person be 95% bedridden and also live alone?