Nano crayon buildcrafting
While exploring the wiki to try and make a funny build I found out you can spawn in natural weapons, in theory you could spawn one in using the nano crayon. (the only part I cant test as I refuse to install mods until I beat the game for the first part)
(Edit:important to note as far as I'm aware none of the natural weapons have a sprite outside of your inventory but you should have no trouble collecting them once you find it though it may take you a second)
Now for this instance I chose the astral tabby bite as it has a wopping 75% chance to dismember on hit. on testing when spawned I was able to pick it up and use metamorphic poligell to dupe it so if you were to get it on a chimera build you could in theory have several chances to to shred your does
I believe there is a lot of untaped potential with this item do to it's rarity and I hope this gives you an idea of what to do with your next try at getting it, live and drink water sib!