Parallels between the stories of Case and Rise
Out of curiosity I was thinking about the main similarities between both stories, and I came up with this list.
- The functionality of the idol is first revealed when an idiot is set on fire, though in Rise the idiot set fire to himself.
- After this reveal, the idol changes hands through theft by a servant who has to resolve to murder to cover his traces. In Rise, this chronologically happens after the reveal and the servant later turns on his employer and dies.
- Several functionalities of the idol are then tested by a genius, who eventually discovers the power to turn immortal and decides to use this to “better” humanity in his own view.
- Both master plans are foiled by the unforeseen actions of an idiot. In both cases, the genius dies in the process, though in Rise the genius chose to do so himself as part of his plan.
- The genius has a loyal follower that assists him all the way until the end. This follower dies in Case, while in Rise his faith is left uncertain.
- The idol is seemingly destroyed and then lost, so the door is left open for a potential sequel where it is rediscovered.
- The Lemurian roots of the idol become clearer throughout the stories, though in both cases these have had very little impact on the present. However, the story of Echo Secunda in Rise is not yet finished and its DLCs will likely change that.
Some noticable differences;
- Both stories feature several levels that tell of the story before the idol is (re)discovered. In Case, all other levels are closely related to the idol and its owner, whereas in Rise there’s a greater focus on the lives of other people.
- In Case, the greatest power is merely tested on an apple before it is abused by the genius. In Rise, living subjects are necessary to even test it, and the genius accidentally kills one of them (Oriel). However in both cases, the first intentional victim of this power is a homeless person.
- The idol has less functionalities in Rise than in Case, though the ones it has are a lot stronger, especially with the availability of broadcasts. I still wonder what would happen if heat was set to all.
Both are outstanding stories and I'm looking forward to what's next.