I really appreciate y’all Butches!

I’m a trans woman. It took me a long time to figure it out but, when I finally did, it was because of butches! I’ve been lurking for a while but wanted to share!

I never felt right as a man despite preferring “masculine” clothing, “masculine” interests, attraction to women, etc. I had no desire to wear dresses or make up yet my “masculinity” didn’t feel right. Even my attraction to women felt different than how all the men around me were attracted to women.

Then I realized that the only people who gave me gender envy were Butch women! Suddenly, it clicked! I loved how yall approached gender expression. It felt so right! I distinctly remember a woman in Home Depot with a shaved head, doc martens, and her keys on her belt so vividly to this day.

It’s funny being here in this sub and reading about your joys and struggles and realizing I’m either relating or coming at them from the opposite direction. I’m taking estrogen now so that I can be more “woman-like” ironically so I can feel more right in my masculinity as I read about some of you trying T. Some of you hating on features on your selves I wish to have or wishing for features I have and wish to be rid of, etc (obviously you’re allowed to feel however about your bodies, I just find the contrast interesting)

Gender is complex/difficult but being butch is beautiful and I’m grateful for all of you existing!