Opinion on bullying: What do you think is the best approach when dealing with a bully?
One thing every parent teaches their kid is “never throw the first punch, throw the second and show them not to mess with you”. But never fight someone using fighting words. Calling each other fag or pussy, then one or the other starts hitting. Course obvious reason we want our kids safe.
Today we would teach children (including my generation at the time) don’t do anything, walk away and ignore. But what if the bully presets either way and attacking, is it okay to fight back?
I remember a long time ago one teen was being annoying, so I told him to shut up, he looked at the teacher as she turned away and got me in the jaw. And said “what?!” That bs talk. I didn’t do anything and stared at him and did the manipulating tactic. Said nothing and leave it. I wanted to fight him, but he wasn’t being a bully but an ass. Knew how rough his knuckles are. Next day he apologized. I learn to pick my battles what was worth and what wasn’t.
But should have I fight to make an example and get suspended? Would it been worth it?
It is true if your let a bully processes, he’s going to keep beating you, so should you fight back? Don’t be the one looking for a fight, but fight back on defence.
What do you think, your opinion?