Unpopular S7 opinion: Less Spike, more watchers council/Willow/Xander/Dawn etc
As I rewatch S7 (up to 7x10) I always come back to - there is far toooo much Spike focus for it being the final season. And imo it hurts all the other stories. So many times between the last 2 seasons that he should've been killed, left town, or just become a big bad again but his popularity turned him into Wolverine.
The watchers council shouldn't have been a 2min scene that just takes them off of the playing board. They should've had a greater presence throughout the first 10 episodes leading up to majority being killed. Giles should've come with at least one new watcher to join the potentials and the team.
Willows entire journey was so interesting and they rushed getting her back to the status quo of Sunnydale/Scooby when they could have introduced this coven that Giles works with and even had her storyline tie in with TWC.
Xander is always Xander and doesnt have much to do apart from random dates and Anya.
It's definitely a season that had tooooo many ideas that could've been 2 seasons worth and couldnt fulfill all the needs that it was setting up.