What’s the most annoying goof? “… even after I knew what he was…”

Mine is after this scene (apologies I can’t find a still or the clip) in the S1 episode “Angel”, where Buffy is blaming herself because Angel (allegedly) attacked Joyce and its Buffy saying she invited him into her house “even after knowing what he is” which obv wasn’t the case, she found out after.

What’s your most annoying goof/gaff/minor continuity issue?!

Mine is after this scene (apologies I can’t find a still or the clip) in the S1 episode “Angel”, where Buffy is blaming herself because Angel (allegedly) attacked Joyce and its Buffy saying she invited him into her house “even after knowing what he is” which obv wasn’t the case, she found out after.

What’s your most annoying goof/gaff/minor continuity issue?!