Talk to me about tongue tie recovery

I feel like the worst mom ever but when I heard about doing stretches every four hours that would most likely be pretty uncomfy for baby for 4-6 weeks after a tongue tie release, I kind of wanted to just give up breastfeeding and exclusively pump. Is that bad?

Baby is 5 weeks, no official tongue tie diagnosis but most likely a posterior tie- shallow latch, I'm nursing-feeding bottle of breast milk-settling her-pumping if I have time before the next cycle ... And I'm exhausted, she's starting to latch worse at the breast despite lactation consulting and cranial sacral therapy.

I saw the list of stretches the cranial sacral therapist recommended just for latch issues and started to cry. It's just so overwhelming, I'm so tired and her weight gain has been a constant anxiety.

I think exclusively pumping might be easier at this point if her tongue tie isn't severe enough to affect other parts of her life besides the ability to nurse...but I swore before becoming a mom I'd try my best to breastfeed...but I'm not so sure anymore.