Terrible shooting pain in my right breast
Before I go into this, I have already visited my GP/PCP. We are monitoring it…I’m just trying to find out if anyone else has gone through what I am enduring rn.
I am a FTM to an 11mo old. I have been EBF since she was born, however I used a nipple shield for the first 5 months. My right boob has always been the one w more milk, so my daughter feeds a lot on that side. We also bed share, so she feeds a few times overnight as well.
I knew I prob should’ve gone to an LC after we stopped using the nipple shield as it seemed my baby had a shallow latch…but it wasn’t bothering me and she was feeding well so I said fuck it.
Well ~1.5 months ago I started experiencing some very awful shooting pains…they are typically only at night and only in my right breast. Around that time, I got my period back so I was having PMS symptoms. The pain isn’t anything I have experienced before, however.
Anyway, they lasted about a week or so, only to come back ~2 weeks ago. They have been brutal, mostly at night. They went away for the last 3 days but today…oh my GOD.
I nursed her to sleep for her second nap and about 20 minutes after, I started having the absolute WORST and SEVERE stabbing/shooting pains. I was hysterically crying through it. They come and go, kind of like contractions.
I took ibuprofen, acetaminophen and tried to ride it out but it was terrible. My partner finally helped me into the shower and coached me through some breathing (he’s the best). It helped right away and after 15-20 minutes, it seemed to go away.
I am SO. FUCKING. TIRED. Of this shit. My GP is thinking it could be hormonal…but this is so much worse that anything I’ve ever felt. I’m wondering if her latch has indeed fucked me up. If so, how do I fix it? I’m not ready for my BF journey to end but I can’t do this much longer. I was in shambles today.
Anyway, none of my friends have experienced this before so I thought I’d reach out to my Reddit people. 🙏🏼