Husband’s night shift routine annoys me!

My husband does 2 nights a week. He works extremely hard and I respect that. We have a 1 y.o toddler in childcare 2 days a week. I work 4 days a week as an RN & 2 of those shifts are with us passing our daughter between us. It’s all a lot but like many families, we try to make it work.

My rant is that when my husband is on night shift (8pm-6am), he comes home at 6:30 & will stay up half the day watching movies/ sports - he will be interacting with us but not really doing any actual “ care” of the baby ( fair enough he’s exhausted).

My issue is that he sleeps at 1pm & sleeps ALL through till his shift time. He starts this routine from the day BEFORE his first night so for roughly 3 days straight , he does NOTHING else.

I am an RN but currently don’t do night shifts however I still do shift work & often finish late- still wake ultra early ( 4-5 hours of sleep) to take care of bubs.

I also clean, cook, do the shopping , work ( daycare drop offs/ pick ups) etc during these days .

Am I just being salty? 😭 I hate it so so much. My shifts are also based around his schedule so it’s a lot for me mentally .

I will say that on his none night shift days- he pulls his weight. He does basic cleaning & looks after our daughter when I’m at work but I still cook & pack her stuff on those days.

Now im writing it, I’m starting to think I’m just salty lol