Wind and Truth thoughts

Things I liked:

- I liked the introduction of the wind.

- I enjoyed getting more of Szeth.

- I enjoyed the interludes.

- I enjoyed Kaladin's story.

- And of course I enjoyed Adolin's story.

Things I did not like:

- Why did virtually every major character have a self-doubt arc in this book? I get that people can gain confidence and then struggle with self-doubt again. I get that it is cyclical, but there are things people struggle with other than self-doubt, and it would have been much easier to get through the middle part of the book if they weren't all going through the same basic thing. It gets REALLY old reading about the same themes over and over and over. Adolin's story was the only one that wasn't mostly just a self-doubt for the sake of making the book longer arc.

- Renarin, Rlain, Venli, and Sigzil could have all been cut out of this book and it would have been better. Their stories weren't necessarily bad, but they took away from the good parts of this book. Take Renarin/Rlain out and suddenly Shallan's story because much less dragged out and satisfying.

I didn't mind Sigzil and Venli's POV chapters, but they just weren't necessary. There were too many times when I found myself wanting to skip over certain POVs to get to the ones that actually mattered. Taking those two POVs out would have made the story much more readable.

Overall I thought the ending was well executed, and I enjoyed the overall story. There was just too much fluff that didn't need to be there.