Asking as somebody who's only read The Reckoners, is it the least favourite of Sanderson's works among fans?

I saw Sando's books on the shelf when I was in Waterstones last year and decided to read Steelheart on a whim beause I liked the cover. It started fairly good, and then got better and better every chapter, before ending nearly flawlessly, and it became one of my favourite stories, not just books.

I really love it and the sequels despite their issues (not Lux. Not read it. Waiting for a paper version). But I've gotten the feeling that the series is the one people like the least. I haven't seen much discussion of it online, and I can't find any merch on his website either.

Even though it being the least favourite of his works would make me sad since I do love the series, it's also worth saying that if THIS is Sando's lowest point then I am extremely excited to start Stormlight.