When it comes to attraction, body language is not complicated. If you’re trying to analyze the smallest signs and reaching, they’re probably not interested and you’re just trying to create a world where they are.
Are they touching you a lot? Staring and making deep eye contact? Laughing a little too hard at your jokes? Always finding a way to be close to you? These are the classic signs that someone is into you. They’re pretty universally recognized, and hard to miss. Other people point it out. You see it and you just know.
If you are ever in those “He made eye contact for .6 nanoseconds and then took a breath, is he trying to marry me?” situations, just know, you’re probably just reaching for the answer you want to hear.
Don’t go writing yourself off. You’ll never know until you ask the person. But when you see the signs you’ll know and you won’t have to ask if they’re interested