[GIVEAWAY] Canvas Deluxe Edition - Canvas Big Box is available on Kickstarter Right Now!
According to the Redditraffler /u/clokem and /u/imperialn00b has won this giveaway! Congratulations, you'll be contacted ASAP!
To celebrate the launch of their new Kickstarter campaign for Canvas Big Box, Road To Infamy Games are giving away 2 copies of Canvas Deluxe Edition to two winners!
Canvas is the critically acclaimed tabletop game where players get to make their very own, unique artwork. Both new gamers & hobbyists will appreciate its simple ruleset and deceptively deep, strategic gameplay.
You can get the base game, all expansions and the Big Box on Kickstarter RIGHT NOW!
Canvas Big Box is a storage solution for Canvas and all its expansion and Deluxe content. It allows you to setup the game in seconds. It includes:
- 11 Drawers that also function as Token Trays with ramps to make it easier to pick up tokens.
- A larger Deck Box to hold all the Art Cards.
- A reversible transparent Box Sleeve to customize your box art.
- 5 Dividers to organize your Deluxe content.
- A Master Rulebook that covers all Canvas content, plus new Scenarios.
- The campaign also features a new booster pack with all new Art Cards, Scoring Cards, and Deluxe content
Prizes: 2 winners will get each 1 copy of Canvas Deluxe Edition shipped to them immediately!
Giveaway participation: Leave a comment - Who’s your favourite artist? What’s your favourite painting?
Delivery will be covered for winners from North America, EU, UK, or mainland Asia. If the winners are from outside these regions, they have to cover the shipping cost.
The winners will be selected by Reddit Raffler and will be announced on May 12 12.00 AM GMT.