Depo Shot (4years) and Kyleena IUD

Hello! Seems like I’m late to this BC party (: I’ve been on depo for 4 years. I know the horror stories but I’m am one of (what seems) like the few women that have had a positive experience. My period has been extreme heavy flow paired with clots for 8 days straight and intense cramping since I was 13 years old. Sucked at taking pills, got pregnant twice 🤦🏻‍♀️ decided after getting sober I would do a more responsible thing and try the shot. I WAS APPREHENSIVE. THE STORIES I HEARD WERE HORRIFIC. but I got the shot, 7 days later never got my period again, stayed my exact weight (125lbs) and have a super increased sex drive, I never experienced any dryness down there either. I also never got any acne and the acne I do occasionally get is usually from occasionally binge where I feel it’s necessary to deep fry everything. 😂. Rewind to two weeks ago. my gyno always over books and I was sick of waiting in the waiting room for AN HOUR to get a five second shot. I asked if I could get an IUD. Two days ago I received it I was told it was going to be a pinch NO it was 15 MINUTES OF AGONY. I guess she just got irritated that my cervix wouldn’t open and jammed it through (keep in mind I have not had a period in 4 years so this cervix does not soften girl) anywho, went to the emergency room yesterday there was a rotting smell about two hours after insertion, I know this smell pretty well, it smelled like my medicine-induced abortion. Sharp shooting pains, I could feel the device immediately, I had terrible periods paired with cramps before going on depo, but these were labor contractions. I immediately broke out into large quarter sized hives (which scared me) i can not wait to get this thing out of me and I can’t believe women deal with this and their doctor says it’s normal! I feel like I’m being stabbed every four minutes and that I’m ready for an epidural 😂😂😂in conclusion a stab victim came in and I did not receive a pelvic exam like they were going to do, just ultrasound NP said my entire pelvis is inflamed and to wait atleast a week to take it out. The ultrasound tech said it looked kind of tilted which the NP said “ItS In a GoOd PlaCeMEnt AnD SHoulD Be fINe” what a joke it was clearly crooked🤦🏻‍♀️😂 and I have to get it removed so, feels like I’m in labor. I should’ve just stayed on the depo because now I’m out $1,600. In conclusion IF IT WORKS FOR YOU DONT FIX IT IF IT AINT BROKE.