I got As in my classes and didn’t think about making an attempt on my own life this fall

Just wanted to post something positive and uplifting for a change. I’ve been unmedicated (for bipolar as none of the meds work, I am prescribed other meds) and living in a new place where I know no one and am over 1000 miles away from any family. It was an immense struggle, especially because the first few months I moved here I couldn’t get a psychiatrist so I was unmedicated for everything. It was tough to finish all the work for my classes but I was able to do it for the first time since my sophomore year of college before I crashed out due to mental health struggles. I’ve made many attempts where my parents live (the south) and none on the west coast but this time there wasn’t any hard drug usage or suicidal ideation. My lifeline is nature and spending time outdoors, and it brings me enough peace to keep me going. I’m just posting this to those who feel hopeless, because last year if I had access to what I would use to end my life I would’ve and I had nothing to live for after a long distance relationship was broken up. If you’re unhappy where you are, move if you’re able to do so. There are plenty of people that would think Dallas is awesome and Portland is horrible, but Portland is a city for me and my hometown very much is not. You will always be mentally ill and struggle, but know things can get better and you can make it work ❤️